Monday Mining Metrics: “Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful”
Monday Mining Metrics: “Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful”Bitcoin Mining Update – 9/16/2024
Hashprice Holds Steady at $0.04 After the combined forces of the latest upward difficulty adjustment and the BTC price drop, Hashprice has been pushed back down to ~$0.04/Th/Day. The silver lining for miners is that this appears to be a solid floor/support level. Miners that can remain profitable with Hashprice here are positioned extremely well for the coming bull market. Bitcoin Mining Stock ETF ($WGMI) The price action in public mining stocks over the past twelve months has reflected a market that is emotional, somewhat irrational, and indicative of typical market psychologically. For example, this market has overreacted to both good and bad news. Upon ETF approval there was a massive pump. Leading up to the halving the mining stocks tanked as investors were fearful of post-halving economics. Once the halving actually took place, the mining stocks ripped again as investors realized it wasn’t actually Armageddon for the public miners (they have low-cost power & efficient machines). Now, the mining stocks have come crashing back down as BTC has trekked sideways this summer. However, throughout the past ~2 years, $WGMI has consistently made higher lows, and this time is no different. The fearful sentiment of the broader market has created a great opportunity for rational investors to deploy capital into the Bitcoin mining ecosystem. As discussed in our latest report, “Analyzing the Relationship of Bitcoin Price & Hashrate”, the current point in the cycle has historically been the best time for capital deployment. Many of the trends analyzed in this report are already playing out in the current cycle, most notably is slowing hashrate growth. To date, hashrate is up a mere ~4% since the halving. Download Blockware’s Report for Free Blockware Direct ASIC Pricing with Hosting We have 100s of ASICs available for purchase right now on the Blockware Marketplace! Machines are sold turnkey which means you’ll be hashing as soon as your BTC payment is confirmed on-chain! Click here to start mining today. For those seeking to purchase ASICs in bulk (with or without hosting), contact or reach out here. Buying machines in bulk gives you access to better per-unit pricing than buying individual machines! Contact or reach out here. All content is for informational purposes only. This Blockware Intelligence Newsletter is of general nature and does consider or address any individual circumstances and is not investment advice, nor should it be construed in any way as tax, accounting, legal, business, financial or regulatory advice. You should seek independent legal and financial advice, including advice as to tax consequences, before making any investment decision. Blockware Intelligence Newsletter is free today. But if you enjoyed this post, you can tell Blockware Intelligence Newsletter that their writing is valuable by pledging a future subscription. You won’t be charged unless they enable payments.
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